Going with Grace sessions all speak to my heart but I especially love 1:1 sessions with pet and owner. In this case, Sadie’s momma wanted a dedicated session with just the two of them because Sadie was in her life even before her husband and kiddos. This one hits close to home for me since […]
Going with Grace is featured on another podcast which just launched today. I discuss pet photography, Going with Grace and how dogs brought me and my husband together years ago. Be sure to listen past the 9:15 mark too. There is a little commercial break. “I wish I’d known about this last week. Because today […]
I am so excited to see my work in print again! Modern Dog magazine, a national publication featured Going with Grace in their Summer 2021 issue. The issue will be in stores around June 8 and online shortly after. I’ve always felt called to focus on this particular service within my photography business. I’m so […]
I am feeling reminiscent and a little heartbroken as sweet Delilah had her Going with Grace session last night. I’ve photographed this family for the past 8 years – before they even had human kiddos. And now they have 3 fantastic little ones. I am so thankful for their friendship and how they’ve trusted me […]
I met sweet Smokey for a Going with Grace session recently. Today, he’s set to have a special last day being spoiled before he crosses the bridge. He will be together again with his late furry companion Autumn. (Her pawprints are shown in the shape of a heart in the canvas shown below) Please keep […]
Sometimes scheduling a Going with Grace session is just too painful for a pet parent. It’s hard enough learning that our pet has a terminal illness and we are often in denial after such news. I know many must feel that scheduling an end-of-life session is just admitting what our hearts refuse to process. These […]
Vinnie, you are so special for many reasons. I photographed you almost 10 years ago during a session of adoptable dogs at KC PAWS. You were adopted by a sweet couple who saw the photo I took. They took a chance on you even though you had been returned by others who didn’t see the […]
When a person you love dies, it’s natural to feel sorrow, express grief, and expect friends and family to provide understanding and comfort. Unfortunately, the same doesn’t always hold true if the one who died was your companion animal. Many consider grieving inappropriate for someone who has lost “just a pet.” Nothing could be further […]
As I sit down to write this, I don’t want to. Something about typing the words makes it too real. But I don’t want to wait too long or I may forget the little details I want to share. We said goodbye to our beloved Abby on November 24. We knew the day was coming, […]
OLATHE, KS (KCTV) — After a lifetime of loyalty, a Kansas couple created a “dog bucket list” for their ailing dog Abby who helped introduce the now husband and wife. According to the couple, Abby is much more than a pet. She’s a family member who has been by their side through life’s ups, downs […]